Wednesday 27 July 2016

With this crazy cold weather, everyone seems to be getting sick.
Here is our sick day set. we hope all your dolls feel so much better soon xxx

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Thought We would post an interesting article on the importance of doll play

Happy playing!!!

Monday 18 July 2016

Hair play continued... meet Parker

Meet the Hairplay dolls

Do you like to style hair? Make it even longer so you can do even more. Braids, up dos, fishtails, ponytails or twists, the only limit is your imagination. Match your hairstyle to your dolls, have some fun and work your hair magic.

It comes with its own hairstyle book that shows you how to do different hairstyles. let the fun begin and let your hands do the talking ...

A whole lot more than an 18" doll

This is a whole lot bigger than an 18" doll.
Our Generation isn't just about a doll or a book or even a fantastic miniature tea set.
It's about girls growing up together and creating the narrative of an extraordinary generation.
And parents who understand the pressures of being a girl more than
any generation of parents before them.
And packaging that’s eco-friendly for a generation who wouldn’t  accept anything less.
It’s about accessories that speak to the multifaceted lives girls live.
It's about giving girls a voice to create and shape a community they love.
It’s about a very important generation and its story.

Friday 15 July 2016

We're Here!!!

Welcome to Our Generation Dolls South Africa very first post!

We really hope you keep coming back to see more of what we have to offer.
